Top 25 most dangerous software weaknesses than can affect satellites in 2023
La question de la vulnérabilité des systèmes spatiaux aux cyberattaques a longtemps été ignorée pour des raisons communes avec les systèmes industriels de type...
MITRE realeased ATT&CK v14 with improvements to Detections, ICS, Mobile
🔥 On 31 October 2023, the MITRE Corporation realeased ATT&CK v14, the new version of its framework.
This new version includes significant improvements to Detections,...
Indiana University – Kelley School of Business launches a new academic program dedicated to...
Russia’s cyberattack on ViaSat on the eve of its invasion of Ukraine put the cyber fragility of space systems high on the agenda and...
Thales confirms its key role to provide cybersecurity for Galileo second generation to meet...
Thales has been notified by the European Space Agency (ESA), on behalf of the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) and the...
Install KYPO Cyber Range Platform on Openstack and Ubuntu in AWS cloud
KYPO is a Cyber Range Platform (KYPO CRP) developed by Masaryk University since 2013. KYPO CRP is entirely based on state-of-the-art approaches such as...
SpaceSec, the Workshop on the Security of Space and Satellite Systems
SpaceSec is the Workshop on the Security of Space and Satellite Systems
SpaceSec 2023 took place on the 27 February 2023 in San Diego, California.
CYSAT’21, le 1er événement européen consacré à la cybersécurité de l’industrie spatiale
CYSEC, une entreprise suisse spécialisée dans la cybersécurité, co-organise avec AP-Swiss, la plateforme "Ambassadeurs" du programme d'applications de l'Agence Spatiale Européenne (ESA) en Suisse,...
Space Cyber Security Watch N°7 (November 7, 2021)
Find below the new Space Cyber Security Watch No 7 (November 7, 2021). In this paper, you will find everything that has caught our...
Space Cyber Security Watch N°5 (August 31, 2021)
Find below the new Space Cyber Security Watch No 5 (August 31, 2021). In this paper, you will find everything...
CYSAT, le salon européen de la cybersécurité et du spatial, revient du 26 au...
CYSAT est le plus gros événement européen entièrement dédié à la cybersécurité pour l’industrie spatiale. Depuis 2021, il vise à rassembler les experts du...