CYSAT ’22, a space cybersecurity conference in Paris (April 6-7th 2022)


CYSAT is the first European event entirely dedicated to cybersecurity for space.

After a first successful edition over 2 days in March 2021 with over 200 participants, CYSAT is back and selected Paris for its new home!

The second edition will be on April 6-7th, 2022 in a hybrid format, i.e., hosted both physically in downtown Paris at Station F and accessible online.

An event around 3 pillars

The CYSAT event will be centered around 3 pillars:

  1. A technical conference with keynotes by selected cyber and space experts, offering a unique opportunity to deep dive into all the different aspects of cybersecurity for space. Ideal for space engineers willing to learn.
  2. An executive day featuring industrial leaders and top-level representatives from national and European agencies.
  3. Demos by 3 teams of ethical hackers of cyber attacks on a flying satellite : Hack CYSAT.

The technical conference, similar to the first edition,  will be led with experts both from the space and cybersecurity fields. Tackling all important topics from cyber threats, security-by-design, mission control security, on board security, cloud security, quantum tech, newspace, etc …

There will be a day dedicated to executives with keynotes from the industry as well as national and European agencies. Panel discussions related to the protection of European space assets (upstream) and data (downstream), mixing established players, newspace companies and space agencies.

Hack CYSAT challenge

The Hack CYSAT challenge is a great surprise. CYSAT team is working on with partners to get the community of hackers excited.

The winners will be invited to STATION F (Paris) to showcase their demos live. Details at

CYSAT Program

The CYSAT program is out and avalaible here. Check out speakers and panelists line-up to discuss cybersecurity for European space assets and data.

The program combines technical keynotes on the topics of:

  • Cyber threats relevant for space systems
  • Ground segment security
  • On-board security

Don’t hesitate to visit Cysat website to register. Tickets on site and online at

See you all at the STATION F in Paris, April 6-7th!

Check the CYSAT replay 2021 here


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