Indiana University – Kelley School of Business launches a new academic program dedicated to...
Russia’s cyberattack on ViaSat on the eve of its invasion of Ukraine put the cyber fragility of space systems high on the agenda and...
TREKS (Targeting, Reconnaissance, & Exploitation Kill-Chain for Space Vehicles), a new Cybersecurity Framework that...
"The space sector is in need of new frameworks and methodologies specific to our unique operating environment" said Gregory Falco (Aerospace Security & Space...
Live Webinar on Aerospace Cybersecurity: Satellite Hacking
Find below the first ever webinar by PenTest Mag! Hosted by Timothy Hoffman, the talk will evolve around the topic of the online course...
How I used MITRE EMB3D™ Threat Model to identify Siemens PLC vulnerabilities exploited by...
In this article, I will show how I used the MITRE EMB3D™ Threat Model to identify vulnerabilities in SIEMENS PLCs that were exploited by...
Thales prépare la sécurisation des infrastructures européennes face aux attaques des futurs ordinateurs quantiques
Paris, La Défense, le 14 avril 2023 (communiqué de presse)
Au cœur de la seconde révolution quantique, Thales s’associe à une vingtaine de partenaires de...
Space Cyber Security Watch N°7 (November 7, 2021)
Find below the new Space Cyber Security Watch No 7 (November 7, 2021). In this paper, you will find everything that has caught our...
CYSAT’21, le 1er événement européen consacré à la cybersécurité de l’industrie spatiale
CYSEC, une entreprise suisse spécialisée dans la cybersécurité, co-organise avec AP-Swiss, la plateforme "Ambassadeurs" du programme d'applications de l'Agence Spatiale Européenne (ESA) en Suisse,...
23 Conseils pour réussir la certification CCSK (Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge) de la...
J'ai passé avec succès, début avril 2020, la certification CCSK (Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge) et je vous livre ci-dessous quelques conseils et astuces...
My cybersecurity review for 2023
What an incredible end to 2023. I've had some wonderful experiences. I've successfully met many challenges in cybersecurity.
I took part of the 3-day...
CYSAT ’23, a space cybersecurity conference : Full Keynotes and Presentations
CYSAT ’23 is the first conference in Europe dedicated to satellite and space industry cyber security. It took place from 26 to 27 April...