Space Cyber Security Watch N°1 – 3 May 2021



Find below the first Space Cyber Security Watch of the Space Cyber Security Community. In this paper, you will find everything that has caught our attention since the last time : news, articles, papers, Space CTI, videos, webinars, events, attacks, podcats …

For this first Space and Cyber Security Watch, we catch up on the news since the beginning of the year.

I would like to thank Coreteam members of the Space Cyber Security Community for their help in this work (Stephane, Teodor, Yohann, Florent, Julien)

This work is not exhaustive. So comments and observations are welcome.


News of the latest Attacks on Space Systems

List of new Articles

January 2021

February 2021

March 2021

April 2021


Space ISAC (Space Information Sharing and Analysis Center)

SPD-5 : National Space Policy Directive 5 aka « Cybersecurity Principles for Space Systems »

(EN) On September 4, 2020, U.S. President Donald Trump issued Space Policy Directive 5 (SPD-5), known as the “Cybersecurity Principles for Space Systems”, on the cybersecurity of space systems and their supporting infrastructure

(FR) Le 4 septembre 2020, le Président des États-Unis Donald Trump a promulgué la Space Policy Directive 5 (SPD-5) dite « Cybersecurity Principles for Space Systems » relative à la cybersécurité des systèmes spatiaux et de leurs infrastructures de support

AsterX: First french military exercise in space

(EN) France is conducting its first military space exercise to assess its satellite protection and surveillance capabilities in a now militarised space.

(FR) La France mène son premier exercice militaire spatial afin d’évaluer ses capacités de protection de ses satellites et de surveillance dans un espace désormais militarisé.

War in Space

Some good Papers


Webinars to review


Upcoming Events

  • (EN) Securing Software-Defined Satellites (Wednesday May 5, 2021)
  • (EN) Inaugural Space Cybersecurity Symposium – on May 5, 2021 (Virtual Event) a conference organized by NIST. This event is jointly hosted by the Department of Commerce (DOC) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
  • (EN) SpaceOps 2021 – The 16th international conference on space operations (3-5 May 2021)  will be virtual and free and has a cyber session, with a co-chair from CNES (Centre national d’études spatiales – French national space center)
  • (EN) IAF’s IAC 21 in Dubaï – 72nd International Astronautical Congress 2021 (25-29 October 2021, Dubai, United Arab Emirates) will have two (yes 2!) security sessions :
    • D5 is 54th IAA Symposium on Safety, Quality and Knowledge Management in Space Activities (D5.4 will be more technical : Cybersecurity in space systems, risks and countermeasures)
    • E9 is IAF Symposium on Space Security (E9.2 is more strategic and legal focused : Cyber-based security threats to space missions – establishing the legal, institutional and collaborative framework to counteract them)
    • Papers have been selected and the program will be published shortly


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